Zbigniew Derdziuk - Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Education: MA in Sociology; graduate from University of Warsaw and from ORGMASZ Institute of Organization and Management in Industry and Swedish consulting Group M-Gruppen - tertiary studies in organization and management and turn around management and IESE Business School University of Navarra, Advanced Management Program.
Qualifications and positions held previously:
From IX. 2020 President of Roma Office Center Sp. z o.o. From June 2016 - an independent member of the Supervisory Board of Relpol S.A., a member of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee.
He has extensive experience in working in managerial positions in banking and media. He has worked as an organizational and management consultant, including with the Hay Group in the field of job descriptions and appraisal. He participated in consulting projects for companies in Poland and Ukraine.
He held high positions in public administration, e.g. in the years 2009-2015 he was the president of the Social Insurance Institution. He was also a minister and secretary of state in three governments. Chairman of the Audit Committee of the International Social Security Association in Geneva.
He has served on supervisory boards in companies from the insurance, IT, construction and real estate industries.
He passed the exam entitling him to sit on the supervisory boards of sole proprietorships of the State Treasury.
Independent member of Supervisory Board.
Piotr Osiński - Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Education: BA in economics at Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Informatyczna in Warsaw, major: economics, specialty: commercial banking
Qualifications and previously held posts:
since April 2012 up to this date - Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe SEA in Piaseczno, salesperson, sourcing new key customers, servicing strategic customers.
Member of the Supervisory Board of Relpol S.A. from 2013.
He does not meet the criterion of an independent member of Supervisory Board.
Adam Ambroziak
Education: secondary
Qualifications and previously held positions:
from 2000 to December 2016 – Unia Hurtowni Elektrycznych El- Plus Sp. z o.o.
in the years 2000 – 2004 member of Board of Directors or Vice President of Board of Directors, from 2004 to December 12.2016 member of Supervisory Board
since 1992 up to this date – Przedsiębiorstwo SEA Adam Ambroziak – owner
Member of the Supervisory Board of Relpol S.A. from 2010.
Agnieszka Trompka
Education: Graduated from the Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk, Faculty of Administration. Postgraduate studies in accounting and corporate finance at the Warsaw School of Economics. Courses in finance, internal audit, tax consulting. He has a license to provide bookkeeping services.
Qualifications and previously held positions:
since 2013 up to this date - chief accountant in PW SEA Adam Ambroziak
in the years 2011 do 2012 - chief accountant in RRC Poland Sp. z o.o.
in the years 2004 do 2011 - chief accountant in Detalia Sp. z o.o.
in the years 2003 do 2004 - chief accountant in Konsant Sp. z o.o.
in the years 1997 do 2003 - chief accountant in Kwapisz i S-ka Sp. z o.o.
in the years 1995 do 1997 - accountant in Szkoła Biznesu i Języków Obcych
in the years 1994 do 1995 - accountant in TB Europol.
Member of the Supervisory Board of Relpol S.A. from 2016.
Independent member of Supervisory Board.
Ewa Górska
Education: higher, she graduated from the Catholic University of Lublin in the field of law. She completed her legal adviser apprenticeship at the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw, obtaining the title of a legal adviser.
Qualifications and previously held positions:
Since 2013, he has been running an independent legal advisor's office in Warsaw. In the years 2003-2012 - a lawyer at the Law Office of Joanna Boćkowska.
Independent member of Supervisory Board.
Zbigniew Derdziuk - Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Education: MA in Sociology; graduate from University of Warsaw and from ORGMASZ Institute of Organization and Management in Industry and Swedish consulting Group M-Gruppen - tertiary studies in organization and management and turn around management and IESE Business School University of Navarra, Advanced Management Program.
Qualifications and positions held previously:
From IX. 2020 President of Roma Office Center Sp. z o.o. From June 2016 - an independent member of the Supervisory Board of Relpol S.A., a member of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee.
He has extensive experience in working in managerial positions in banking and media. He has worked as an organizational and management consultant, including with the Hay Group in the field of job descriptions and appraisal. He participated in consulting projects for companies in Poland and Ukraine.
He held high positions in public administration, e.g. in the years 2009-2015 he was the president of the Social Insurance Institution. He was also a minister and secretary of state in three governments. Chairman of the Audit Committee of the International Social Security Association in Geneva.
He has served on supervisory boards in companies from the insurance, IT, construction and real estate industries.
He passed the exam entitling him to sit on the supervisory boards of sole proprietorships of the State Treasury.
Independent member of Supervisory Board.
Piotr Osiński - Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Education: BA in economics at Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Informatyczna in Warsaw, major: economics, specialty: commercial banking
Qualifications and previously held posts:
since April 2012 up to this date - Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe SEA in Piaseczno, salesperson, sourcing new key customers, servicing strategic customers.
Member of the Supervisory Board of Relpol S.A. from 2013.
He does not meet the criterion of an independent member of Supervisory Board.
Adam Ambroziak
Education: secondary
Qualifications and previously held positions:
from 2000 to December 2016 – Unia Hurtowni Elektrycznych El- Plus Sp. z o.o.
in the years 2000 – 2004 member of Board of Directors or Vice President of Board of Directors, from 2004 to December 12.2016 member of Supervisory Board
since 1992 up to this date – Przedsiębiorstwo SEA Adam Ambroziak – owner
Member of the Supervisory Board of Relpol S.A. from 2010.
Agnieszka Trompka
Education: Graduated from the Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk, Faculty of Administration. Postgraduate studies in accounting and corporate finance at the Warsaw School of Economics. Courses in finance, internal audit, tax consulting. He has a license to provide bookkeeping services.
Qualifications and previously held positions:
since 2013 up to this date - chief accountant in PW SEA Adam Ambroziak
in the years 2011 do 2012 - chief accountant in RRC Poland Sp. z o.o.
in the years 2004 do 2011 - chief accountant in Detalia Sp. z o.o.
in the years 2003 do 2004 - chief accountant in Konsant Sp. z o.o.
in the years 1997 do 2003 - chief accountant in Kwapisz i S-ka Sp. z o.o.
in the years 1995 do 1997 - accountant in Szkoła Biznesu i Języków Obcych
in the years 1994 do 1995 - accountant in TB Europol.
Member of the Supervisory Board of Relpol S.A. from 2016.
Independent member of Supervisory Board.
Ewa Górska
Education: higher, she graduated from the Catholic University of Lublin in the field of law. She completed her legal adviser apprenticeship at the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw, obtaining the title of a legal adviser.
Qualifications and previously held positions:
Since 2013, he has been running an independent legal advisor's office in Warsaw. In the years 2003-2012 - a lawyer at the Law Office of Joanna Boćkowska.
Independent member of Supervisory Board.
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