The RSR86 series is characterized by high performance, reliability, and the capability for mounting on PCB boards. Th...
W czwartek 5 października 2023 roku w Teatrze Lubuskim wręczono Nagrody Gospodarcze Marszałka Województwa Lubuskiego. Gala wręczenia nagród była finałem najważniejszego wydarzenia gospodarczego – Lubuskiego Kongresu Gospodarczego 2023.
Relpol S.A. took 3rd place in the large companies category
for highly energy-saving product innovations (R2N-M relay and bistable relay for control systems and industrial automation) and process innovations, the so-called "jumper set", combining a number of production processes, auxiliary assembly operations and control and testing, which are delivered to over 50 countries around the world.
The award on behalf of Relpol S.A. received by Bartłomiej Szydłowski, Member of the Board of Relpol SA, Director of Trade and Marketing.
The RSR86 series is characterized by high performance, reliability, and the capability for mounting on PCB boards. Th...
The R2B, R3B, and R4B series by Relpol are relays designed with energy efficiency and reliability in mind.Thanks to t...
On November 30th, the children and grandchildren of our employees had the opportunity to participate in ceramic works...
On Sunday, October 20th, another edition of the Run Through the Green Forest took place. Participants had the opportu...